GEM: Graph Embedding and Mining
ECML-PKDD 2020 Workshop
Due to the current uncertainty caused by COVID-19 the workshop will take place virtually. Authors will be able to present their work, attend other author/keynote presentations and interact with them using an appropriate virtual conferencing solution.
- Aleksandar Bojchevski (Technical University of Munich)
- Amedeo Napoli (LORIA Nancy CNRS - Inria - Université de Lorraine)
- Anes Bendimerad (LIRIS)
- Anton Tsitsulin (University of Bonn)
- Baptiste Jeudy (Laboratoire Hubert Curien)
- Cigdem Aslay (Aalto University)
- Di Jin (University of Michigan)
- Jan Ramon (INRIA)
- Marc Plantevit (LIRIS - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
- Mark Heimann Lawrence (Livermore National Laboratory)
- Mehwish Alam (FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure, AIFB Institute, KIT)
- Raphael Fournier (CNAM)
- Polina Rozenshtein (Aalto University)
- Raúl Santos-Rodríguez (University of Bristol)
- Renaud Lambiotte (University of Oxford)
- Robert Pienta (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Sandra Mitrovic (IDSIA)
- Stephan Günnemann (Technical University of Munich)