
Tutorial: Hands-on with scikit-network

09:50 - 10:00 Opening
10:00 - 11:30 Introduction and core components: data structures and their manipulation, simple tasks on graphs: slides and notebook
11:30 - 11:45 Coffee break
11:45 - 12:45 Real-world use case: analysis of the Wikipedia “vital articles” graph: notebook
12:45 - 13:00 Concluding Remarks


14.30 - 14.35 Opening
14.35 - 14.45 Paper Pitch: Neural Maximum Independent Set
14.45 - 14.55 Paper Pitch: Fea2Fea: Exploring Structural Feature Correlations via Graph Neural Networks
14.55 - 15.05 Paper Pitch: Web Image Context Extraction with GraphNeural Networks and Sentence Embeddings on the DOM tree
15.05 - 15.15 Paper Pitch: The Effects of Randomness on the Stability of Node Embeddings
15.15 - 15.25 Paper Pitch: Graph homomorphism features: why not sample?
15.25 - 15.35 Paper Pitch: Towards Mining Generalized Patterns From RDF Data And A Domain Ontology
15.35 - 15.55 Coffee break
15.55 - 16.00 Poster Pitch: GUDIE: a flexible, user-defined method to extract subgraphs of interest from large graphs
16.00 - 16.05 Poster Pitch: Representation Learning using Graph Neural Nets: A case-study in HMMs
16.05 - 16.10 Poster Pitch: Vessel’s Identity Graph and Analysis
16.10 - 16.15 Poster Pitch: A Study of Explainable Community-Level Features
16.15 - 17.15 Keynote: Graph Representation Learning Beyond Homophily & Proximity
by Danai Koutra
17.15 - 18.30 Interactive Poster Session
18.30 - 18.45 Conclusion and Best Paper Award